from Gillian Kirkwood (Colin has gone to Portugal for a few days)
East Division InterCounty Championship
Haddington Golf Club
24-26 June 2002
Stirling and Clackmannan 6 1/2 Fife 2 1/2
Foursomes (S&C names first)
L. Robertson and H Stirling lost to L. Kenney and J Carthew 6&5
K. Mathieson and L. Morton beat L.Bennett and K. Milne 4&3
L.Aitken and H.Macrae beat F.Lockhart and E.Moffat 1 up
H.Stirling beat L.Kenney 5|&4
L.Morton beat J.Carthew 3&2
E.Allison lost to K.Milne 2&1
K.Mathieson beat S.Millar 7&5
L.Aitken halved with L.Fury
H.Macrae beat E.Moffat 1up
(4 1/2 - 1 1/2)
Midlothian 4 1/2 East Lothian 4 1/2
Foursomes (Midlothian names first)
V.Laing and J.Williamson beat J.Smith and S.McMaster 3&2
K. Marshall and L.Fraser beat S.McEwan and S.Tait 2&1
B.Murphy and T.Laughland halved with L.Anderson and S.Croalla
(2 1/2 - 1/2)
V.Laing beat S.Penman 6&5
K.Marshall lost to S.McMaster 5&4
H.Laughland lost to S.McEwan 6&4
J.Flucker lost to S.Tait 2up
L.Fraser beat S.Crolla 6&5
J.Williamson lost to L.Anderson 3&2