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Contributing Editor: Colin Farquharson

Wednesday, June 09, 2004


The Scottish Ladies Golfing Association has named the following three players to compete for Scotland in the international team event, which is run in conjunction with the St Rule Trophy at St Andrews on Saturday and Sunday, June 19 and 20.
It is:
Anne Laing (Vale of Leven).
Heather MacRae (Dunblane New).
Louise Kenney (Pitreavie)
1 Jenna Wilson (Strathaven).
2 Fiona Lockhart (St Regulus).
The organising St Rule Club report that six countries have so far named players for the international team event.
Apart from Scotland, Sweden, Germany, Canada and Australia will be taking part.
There is a good chance that England and Wales will be added to the list before the weekend of the event.
Both countries have players entered as individuals and the St Rule Club have asked the English Ladies Golfing Association and the Welsh Ladies Golf Union if they would care to nominate players for the international team event.